Foxearth Follow Me

The Rough & Smooth Collie
Training Association


Ladnar Diamonds 'R' Forever
at Expressebury A.Ex FS St.Ex

Welcome to the RSCTA Heelwork to Music Pages

RSCTA HTM League Tables

If you enjoy training your Collie and you also enjoy music, then Heelwork To Music may just be the sport for you!

There are a number of basic moves that can be easily mastered and these will be enough to enable you to begin to build dance routines together. Following on from these, your performances will be limited only by your own imagination and your ability to teach you dog what it is you want them to do. It goes without saying that your dog s own physical capabilities should, at all times, be the controlling factor of the moves you attempt; remembering this will ensure a happy, safe and enjoyable time for you both.

There is no denying that Rough & Smooth Collies aren t the easiest of dogs to train but if you keep the training sessions short and maintain a high level of motivation (lots of rewards and praise), then it is possible for these very beautiful dogs to become accomplished at this sport. Try to choose music that suits the pace at which your dog is happy to work and then allow the naturally graceful movement of this breed to shine through.

Heelwork To Music is a challenging sport that can be enjoyed by everyone so come on you Rough and Smooth Collies get up and Boogie!

Lucy Heath and Smooth Collie Foxearth Follow Me (Trent) demonstrate their skills at heelwork-to-music.