
Please download the form using the link below and send/e-mail the completed form to the Membership Secretary (see form)

Membership Form (pdf)

If you don't have a printer then just send the same information.
Please make cheques payable to RSCTA and send to the address on form, or e-mail Membership Secretary for BACS details.
Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.
We look forward to havng you and you Collies in the RSCTA

Names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of all RSCTA members are retained on disk for mailing purposes. As required of all Societies registered with The Kennel Club and in accordance with our Constitution, these are passed to The Kennel Club when required.

Benefits of Membership

Benefits include, for a low price:

  • Opportunity to join the RSCTA leagues (agility, breed, obedience, rally & htm)
  • Chance to work towards the innovative RSCTA Versatility Award Scheme
  • Keep up to date with a lovely group of similarly-minded people, especially via Facebook
  • Join in RSCTA events such as the annual Fun Day and occasional Temperament Assessment days
  • Receive the RSCTA Newsletter
  • RSCTA Constitution (pdf)